Senin, 06 September 2010

For love or money ? How to choose what to study


My parents talked to me today. They were very vague. They didn’t help. They only confused me more.

They said successful people do not do what they like.

Like all the foreign nurses who do not really like nursing, but they are successful and enjoy their success.

Note their definition of successful is money for themselves and families.

Is this true? I told my dad that millionaires do what they like and he said its a lie.

Now friends,

How do you choose what to study? Do you go for what interests you or for something that guarantees you a job? Or do you just let someone else choose for you?

and solid I find interesting explanation, and this may also be provided for your enlightenment :

1: Study what you like and you’ll get a job you’ll like
It turns out that the people who choose studies they were interested in were much more likely to be happy with the jobs they then got. This is not surprising at all – study something that interests you and you’re more likely to end up working with something you like.

2: Study what you like and you’ll make more money!
But interestingly, people who choose their studies based on interest were also more likely to be happy with their salaries than the people who had chosen their studies based on how much money they could make.

And when you think of it, this is not surprising at all. If you study something that makes you happy you will:

* Be more productive – because people who like what they do get more done
* Be more motivated and energetic – because happy people have more energy
* Learn faster – because happy people do just that
* Study better with others – because happy people communicate and team-work more efficiently

For us who will face a higher level, college level education. To us the successful people, do not make a mistake to choose the majors in the college! love what you have learned, and God would provide good job prospects for you.

*sukses untuk kita kawan, Tuhan pasti tepat menempatkan kita di mana saja. He's have a wonderful plan for us, friends. GBU

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